The Gospel Net – Evangelism Training


The Gospel Net training includes 30 hours of evangelism training that will prepare you to:

  1. Reach people’s hearts
  2. Start Bible studies
  3. Gain decisions using God’s Word
  4. Understand conviction
  5. Plan a 12 month cycle of Evangelism
SKU: TGN-ET-USB Category:


The Gospel Net USB Flash Drive gives you 30 hours of evangelism training on the following 5 topics:

1. AWAKENING SPIRITUAL INTEREST:  Learn to awaken spiritual interest, recognize the moments when a person is open to the gospel, understand why people react the way they do, and discover equations to successfully reach both the hostile and the apathetic.

2. REACHING THE HEART:  When the eyes are filled with tears, when the heart is seething with anger, it’s hard for people to see the love of God. Learn to share the message of a suffering Savior who can set the heart free.

3. FROM STRANGERS TO BIBLE STUDIES: Learn to talk to strangers about spiritual topics, build friendships that reach the heart, pray for others, break down walls of prejudice, share your personal testimony, give “hit & run” and “sixty-second” Bible studies, and begin a systematic plan to reach your family, neighbors, and work associates!

4. GAINING DECISIONS:  When God’s word is skillfully shared, the Holy Spirit will lead a person to decision.  Learn the art of cooperating with God in this important work.  Study the science of how the Holy Spirit uses the Soul Winner to share God’s word with people who are in the valley of decision.

5. THE MASTER’S BLUEPRINT:   Learn how to organize a 12-month cycle of evangelism to PREPARE hearts, PREACH God’s word, and PRESERVE new believers.   Includes a 125 page training manual.

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